Help! Duckling still alive, but incubator not right temp?

I have a light that I put over a nice box with food and water in it, not too close and my chick loves it. She is four days old now. I kept the light closer when she first hatched. I don't have a thermometer, but I put my hand in and check it regularly. It's a lamp that has a arm that extends. This not only hatched the chick, but keeps her warm. We also put a fuzzy little stuffed animal in there that she sleeps next to.
You know, I thought about just using the heat lamp. It seems much more reliable, that's for sure. But how do you keep the air humid enough?

Ok, new idea: I'm going to set up four separate incubating areas, and hope that at least one of them will work. I'll try to adjust the still air and lg as best as I can, and try to make my own with the heat lamp, and try hatching some under a broody hen, and see what happens.
Just candled. Its interesting, in one incubator all the ducks die and the chickens are still alive, in the other incubator I have all ducks and dead chickens.
Tomorrow is the due date for the button and coturnix quail so fingers crossed. We'll see what happens.

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