Help!!! Egg broken inside chicken


Aug 18, 2021
Marysville, Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I found our molly with egg shell sticking out her butt and egg white all over her back side I have brought her in the house and given her a Epson salt bath and given her calcium tablets she is drinking but won't eat. She is in a cage by her self she just looks miserable any advice would be much appreciated
day 2 she has passed some of the egg yoke but still not eating and barely drinking Please help!
The egg yolk broke inside of her? Start antibiotics ASAP. I JUST had this happen to my chicken. If you can see the shell sticking out, pull it out gently if you can. Any pictures? Keep her as warm as possible. Good job with the calcium. Try feeding mealworms, scrambled egg, grapes, lettuce anything. My hen wouldn't drink and gatorade helped her out. I almost lost my hen, but I worked hard day and night and I'm happy to say she is finally recovered and back in the flock laying eggs. This is my thread about my hen. I encourage you to read it since the kind help from many members seriously saved my hen. If she continues to not eat you may need to tube feed her.

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