my first peepers

11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
South Western VT
My friends' ducks had a fox attack and she missed one wound. Now it has maggots in the wound and it has dying skin tissue around the wound. She has since sprayed it with antiobiotic spray and is giving ivermectin?? (antibiotic) in the water. What can she do to help save it?
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First, she must get all maggots out of the wound--they are eating the live flesh. It is not true that maggots only eat dead flesh.

Flush the wound thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide--this will remove many of the maggots and also dead flesh, dirt and germs. You probably need a syringe (no needle) to get the H2O2 into the depths of the wound. Hold the bird so that the peroxide and any maggots drain out of the wound. I perfer to dp this over a tub so that they go down the drain. Keep flushing until it runs clear. Then flush with an iodine & water mixture to fight infection. Cover the wound with SWAT or FLYS-OFF, which will repel additional flies and kill any remaining maggots. Clean daily (you can flush with iodine/water mixture), and apply triple antibiotic ointment. You will not repeat the peroxide or SWAT. Do not bandage the wound--it needs to be open to the air. Keep the bird inside away from flies, and use clean towels (paper is fine) rather than bedding, until the wound heals closed. The bird needs to be on a strong antibiotic--baytril (requires a vet prescription) or penicillin.

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