Help, gosling won't stand

Neurotic. What a shame. Two of my geese acted this way after their crop was blocked. I wasn't giving them enough grit so the grass they were eating wasn't being digested, the crop filled up with gas. Once they get to that stage it's right to put them down, the treatment usually kills them anyways. At least that's what my vet told me. I took the remaining goose off of grass and she got better within a day or two. Such a shame. I'm so sorry for your loss.

The thing is, he wasn't eating any grass, and he had a bowl a grit at all times. I just don't understand :(
The thing is, he wasn't eating any grass, and he had a bowl a grit at all times. I just don't understand
Was he eating the grit? :(
Aww i am so so sorry for your loss. Huge hugs to you and your family. It's so sad when they leave so soon. It feels like they didn't get a chance. I've lost many animals (had a horrible barn fire years ago) but i truly believe we will see them again someday. Billy Bob has his angel wings now and i bet he'll be waiting at that bridge for you someday. Hugs friend.
Aww i am so so sorry for your loss. Huge hugs to you and your family. It's so sad when they leave so soon. It feels like they didn't get a chance. I've lost many animals (had a horrible barn fire years ago) but i truly believe we will see them again someday. Billy Bob has his angel wings now and i bet he'll be waiting at that bridge for you someday. Hugs friend.

How did the fire start?! :( I'm so sorry
A freak accident when farmers miles away did a controlled burn on field when we were under heat advisory and water restrictions. A single spark ignited our barn within moments. Our beloved araucana roo kept running in and chasing hens and babies out but then one time he just didn't come back out. All total within minutes we lost 8 hens, 2 roos, 1 duck, 2 geese, several chicks, 22 Cornish cross that has just been crated for taking to processing, and 3 of my kids beloved Nigerian dwarf/African pygmy cross goats. It was a heart breaking day and I've learned you never really get over the loss of pets. It gets a little easier, but you never really get over it.

To the OP here, my heart goes out to you right now. I'm so sorry about your baby.
He had been eating grit, but he stopped once he quit standing.

Thank you, everyone! We had to rehome, Charlene, Billy Bob's girl. She was pulling lots of feathers out from our ducklings and Billy Bob. So for now, we don't have any geese, maybe someday. Billy Bob was such a sweetheart, our whole family misses him, but especially our 12 year old daughter that helped care for him. Thank you again for all the kind remarks :)
A freak accident when farmers miles away did a controlled burn on field when we were under heat advisory and water restrictions. A single spark ignited our barn within moments. Our beloved araucana roo kept running in and chasing hens and babies out but then one time he just didn't come back out. All total within minutes we lost 8 hens, 2 roos, 1 duck, 2 geese, several chicks, 22 Cornish cross that has just been crated for taking to processing, and 3 of my kids beloved Nigerian dwarf/African pygmy cross goats. It was a heart breaking day and I've learned you never really get over the loss of pets. It gets a little easier, but you never really get over it.

To the OP here, my heart goes out to you right now. I'm so sorry about your baby.

So sorry that happened. My old dog and my goose died in the same two weeks. I think about them every single day

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