Help Help Help Extreme Feather-loss!!!!!!!! Please Help!!

<3<3 I <3 Chickens <3<3

10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
Ok, so my brother has this beautiful little chicken, all except for her back. She started losing feathers and it hasn't gotten any better. So we have come to the desion to seperate her. All I ask is: What can you give to a chicken do her feathers grow back faster!!!????

by the way: these are ORGANIC chickens; no no-organic remidies please!
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<3<3 I <3 Chickens <3<3 :

Ok, so my brother has this beautiful little chicken, all except for her back. She started losing feathers and it hasn't gotten any better. So we have come to the desion to seperate her. All I ask is: What can you give to a chicken do her feathers grow back faster!!!????

by the way: these are ORGANIC chickens; no no-organic remidies please!

Do you know what caused the feather loss- attack, rooster, parasites, pecking? Here's a link to some info.

Extra protein will help the feather regrowth. Try meat, cheese, catfood, BOSS

Good Luck


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