HELP!!!!! Hen with swollen abdomen, huge water filled crop, and lathargic!

Skipper Carnes

Feb 16, 2023
Hi everybody, this has been going on for about a week or two now. Our Rhode Island Ded hen Jokgu is an enlarged abdomen that is reddish. We tried messaging it to help sooth her pain, but I swear it feels like a bunch of sand in her abdomen. Also, her crop is huge and It feels like it is full of water, and when I hold her she throws up some disgusting smelling deep brown liquid. She still walks and eats, but everything is much, much slower. Please help me! I truly have no idea what is going on, and I don't want to lose her! My phone won't take pictures, but I have described best I can what is going on.

Thank you so, so much if you have any suggestions or advice. I can't thank you enough. Also, please say some prayers for her as well. I know if anybody can help, Jesus can. Thank you for your help!
How old is she? Do you know when she last laid? A swollen abdomen often means a reproductive problem and those can be internal laying, a cancer, or an infection. There also may be organ failure involved if there is fluid in the abdomen. It can be hard to narrow it down to a specific cause without a necropsy, the symptoms can be very similar. It's not uncommon in laying hens over the age of two, sadly. Most of them don't really have good treatment options and once the abdomen is distended the prognosis is usually poor. Often crop slowing or stasis happens as well as what is going on in the abdomen causes the digestion to become difficult and it can slow or stop.
I'm very sorry. I know that isn't what you want to hear. I leave them with the flock until they are obviously feeling bad, go off food or water, isolate themselves, or get attacked by flock mates, at that point I euthanize.
Again, I'm very sorry. :hugs
She is actually 3 years old. I don't want to put her to sleep, I still think she has a fighting chance. I don't know when she last laid, but her poop is watery and greenish. She makes her way around the yard, foraging and stealing food from other hens, but her energy is in spurts and doesn't last long. Most of the time, she is just taking naps or walking in slow motion. I thought I would lose her 2 days ago, but she survived, barely. Her posture used to be penguin like with tail down, but her poster is pretty normal now. Tail up and body held horizontally. I wish I knew what was wrong. I am giving her chick feed since it is high in protein and vitamins, and it is easy to digest.
I had one hen with a horrible infection and she almost died, but she survived with the help of antibiotics. She has never laid an egg since, but she is doing amazing.
Hi everybody, this has been going on for about a week or two now. Our Rhode Island Ded hen Jokgu is an enlarged abdomen that is reddish. We tried messaging it to help sooth her pain, but I swear it feels like a bunch of sand in her abdomen. Also, her crop is huge and It feels like it is full of water, and when I hold her she throws up some disgusting smelling deep brown liquid. She still walks and eats, but everything is much, much slower. Please help me! I truly have no idea what is going on, and I don't want to lose her! My phone won't take pictures, but I have described best I can what is going on.

Thank you so, so much if you have any suggestions or advice. I can't thank you enough. Also, please say some prayers for her as well. I know if anybody can help, Jesus can. Thank you for your help!
Is a vet an option?

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