help i am not sure what is up with my chicken neck


9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Kansas City Mo
so i have this sliky that is having a hard time keeping her head up she keep grooming her self and moving her head back and forth but it is under body i thought maybe some how her neck is broken but i am not sure because then she move it up and grooms her tail and wings, the other day i was holding her and her neck looked too long and now today she having a hard time with it!!
it just happen tonight and i didn't see anything like that one eye is closed and the other is open if that helps i didn't know chickens get colds
i am not sure if she can eat or drink because i came home and she was like she could have been like that most of the day i am not sure but i do know the other chicken don't like it
Well first thing is to get her to eat, try soften up the food, soak it in water. For some reason chickens love this, I haven't gotten a clue why because it's the same food..
If she has a sinus infection your gonna need antibotics. I used Tylan, but i used the injection kind. Second I have gotten this advice from CJ, she would say put some vics under the nose and under the wings, so when they go to bed and tuck there heads under the wing they will breath in the vapors. I have also giving my chicken some polyvisol.

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