Help!!! I don't know what to do with my last living duck egg


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2019
I am incubating Mallard eggs at this moment I started off with about 10 of them and four of them died around day 6 and I did and egg autopsy and they were not developed embryos I did another egg Topsy on for more of my duck eggs that died around 18 to 20 days incubation and they looked fully formed and they looked perfect they were a little small about the size of my pinky finger but they were fully feathered however their yolk sacs were not absorbed and they still had red veining in them. I have one remaining egg left that I still see life in it's driving me absolutely crazy the air cell at the top of the egg is a little small I guess my humidity was a little off during incubation being with this is my first hatch. However when I candle the egg I can put the flashlight on the bottom of the egg the narrow point and I see some kind of stuff in there like Black-ish stuff in there and then I also still see like veins I guess or like a Icee at one specific spot that looks like a a dark spidery veins looking thing attached maybe to the egg wall. For the last four days of candling I can only see movement of my duckling at the bottom of the egg no movement at all near the top of the egg where the air sac is no internal pippping or external pippping overdue Now by two days did float test egg floats however there is only a very small circle of the egg above the water but it does not float high if anything it's floating low. I'm trying to lower the humidity in my incubator now I don't know what to do I'm freaking out I don't know if I should try to assist if it's in a bad position or what.? Also if this helps at all the duck eggs that are being laid are small kind of greenish in color but the parent ducks that are laying these eggs are relatively new layers they have probably only been laying for about 4 to 5 months so the eggs are kind of small. I would say that the eggs are probably the size of a small chicken egg that you would purchase at a grocery store. Last night I candled again I saw movement last night only at the bottom of the egg again no signs of pipping I candled this morning and saw no movement at the bottom or the top however I candled the day before and the same thing happened I saw no movement 4 hours and then when I candled in about 5 or 6 hours later I saw a movement at the bottom. Can anybody shine some light on what's going on with my duck eggs what I should do anything any information would help I'm using a little giant incubator it's still air my temperature is approximately 99.5 my relative humidity has been between 40 and 60% however I heard that I was supposed to raise my humidity during the last days so I raised it to 75% only the last 24 hours and then I read that I shouldn't do that so I freaked out and took the sponges out that I put in there to raise the humidity will somebody just please give me some advice and help me on this egg I don't want to give up on it my whole world is invested in me hatching this duckling. Thank you in advance
"Lockdown" refers to the period from 3 days before until hatch (days 25- 28) during which you do not turn the egg and put the humidity up to the 75-80 range. What day is your egg on now?
My air cell also seems a little small but as I said the eggs are small... I can't find anything about seeing the duckling only move through the open space at the bottom of the egg. I can see the ducks body all in the top but only movement at bottom of egg. He Durant seem to move a lot. Sometimes I'll candle and see him moving everywhere and then some times no movement at all no matter what I do...?? I'm so invested in this I want to start doing this as a hobby as we live in a small farm but I'm freaking out that I've done something wrong...
Before he is ready to pip he will fill the whole egg to a point that there is basically no point in candling at all. Then they internally pip before finally making it out.

If your temperatures were low then he could possibly take another day (like mine did this year) so I'd say put your humidity up and wait. Which can be hard but at this point there is not much you can do.

Is there a way you could post a picture?
Sorry if I missed it but what day is he on?

EDIT: Nevermind I saw your post.
Day 20-24 as I said they were put in like apart I put in 13 eggs one day and then I put in like 8 the next day and I put in a final two about two days later and there was a mixture at first of chicken and duck unfortunately none of my chicken eggs made it at all they didn't even make it into a anything they were a small gray. Stuck to the inside lining of my egg when I did the egg Topsy on the chicken eggs but my duck eggs were good and fertile and I had a lot of living duck eggs and then slowly they just started to die for no reason the two I egg top-seed yesterday were covered in feathers they had eyes they had a beat they had an egg tooth they had everything but they were fairly small I would say probably about 3 in from rump to head. There is still space in the bottom of the egg. No space at the top but about and inch of space on bottom that I can candle and see in and that's where I see movement

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