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Sep 22, 2019
Help I have a chick with a unabsorbed egg sac! It's a silkie and polish cross it has a sac on its stomach leaking egg yolk the chick is weak but sweet. Does anyone know anything to help please? What should I do?
Prepare yourself: it's likely to not survive.

Basic treatment is the same for any chick with a problem: put it somewhere safe at the right temperature, with access to food and drown-proof water. (Remember that chicks often go a few days without eating right after hatch, but sitting out a dish of feed is easy, and guarantees it's there if they want it.)

Temperature-- could leave it in the incubator, or the brooder. If it's not moving around well, you have to be extra-careful with the temperature, because it won't just move to a comfortable place like a healthy chick would.

Separate or with others: separated by a wire divider (see but not pick on) would be ideal. If that's not possible, alone is probably safer, because others might pick on it. You could put it with the others and watch.

I don't know specifically about the yolk sac, but I'm guessing that you should not mess with that (i.e. don't try to cut it off or repair it).

Photos of the chick and its problem make it much easier for people to give the right advice for this specific case.
I've had it happen with a few chicks. I just leave them in the Incubator to dry & fluff like normal and so far they've all absorbed the yolk & closed on up. Just let it be & nature will take its course, as always.

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