Help! I need some young female RIRs!!! MI, N. Ohio


12 Years
Jul 15, 2007
We raised 4 RIR from eggs in April. We are raising them at school so that we can donate the eggs to a soup kitchen. However, one of the RIRs just crowed today, and he was the one I thought was a hen!! I think I have 2 more roosters! I would love to "replace" these guys before the children come back to school. When the children left, they were just chicks. So they wouldn't know the difference if I pulled the old switcharooni. But, I only have 2 weeks to find replacements.
I am in Southeast MI, (Dearborn), but I am willing to drive a little. Thanks for asking!
Is it safe to assume that you already checked out/put an ad in Craig's List?
I live by Flint, but work in Auburn Hills. I could see how young they are, and if you are willing to meet somewhere I'd be willing to help out. Let me know.

Hi! Nah, I didn't put an ad in Craigslist, thought I'd try my buddies here, first.
Derek, I am willing to drive to wherever you are!!
OMG! What a story! I can't believe the hawk took her out of your lap!
I always try to tie science into the curriculum in other ways, like writing. What a great story to tell them & have them add to.
If my Hillary, the Cornish X lives
long enough, they'll also be able to write "why did the chicken cross the road?" because she was rescued in the middle of I-75 as a chick!
Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be a very interesting year?

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