Help Identify Intruder


✝️ Perfectly Imperfect ✝️
May 31, 2019
Moore County, NC
Does this poop help identify the intruder? It didn't bother the birds, just broke open some eggs and left behind a "personal" gift 🙄



Intruder can't be much larger than a squirrel but the poop is fairly big. This happened in Virginia. Thank you for your time
I would guess an opossum or a skunk or perhaps a small raccoon. Some animals can amazingly squeeze through holes you'd never think they'd be able to. Time to tighten up the coop or set out a trap or both, it will be back.
this. they may take off with eggs now but will eventually move up to taking off with ur birds. Edit: apparently i cant spell birds (burds)
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Hi Heather. The way the poop tapers off at the end to a sharp point is the classic hallmark of oppossum poop. Since it only ate eggs and not a chicken, it May be a male, since a female would likely be needing extra protein to feed her babies. (joeys). I wouldn't trust it though; definitely figure out how it got in and secure the coop and run!
It was a skunk!!! It squeezed it's way in and got another egg while it was still light out. It's been taken care of and the point of break-in is being addressed, as well as any other possible points of unwanted intruder entry. Thank you all so much for your time and input. It's greatly appreciated!
Actually, it's multiple skunks. Four to be exact!!! I asked if they were babies or juveniles and was told one was big'ish and the others were small'ish. Wow!

Edited to add:
I may be mistaken on the number. Three have been taken care of so I'm not sure if it was three or four.
Just in case anyone is interested, I asked if they could tell what was in the intruders diet and upon inspection of the scat, lots of earwig and a roach was discovered. A Google search says that skunk scat has blunt ends. Maybe because they were possibly young it was different? Interesting either way. Thanks again!
I am totally shocked it was skunks, because to my knowledge oppossum scat is the only poop that has that distinctive tapered end. I've seen it plenty of times, and it looks completely different from other varmint poop. It crossed my mind to wonder if an oppossum was Also gaining access to your nest boxes. But the important thing is none of your birds were harmed, and you got the point of entries fixed!

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