Help identifying breeds


8 Years
Mar 17, 2016

We bought these chicks from Tractor Supply yesterday (only a few days old, I’m guessing), they said the 3 yellow ones were all buff orpingtons, but they look very different from one another so we’re skeptical. One of them is more of a golden buff color, and the other 2 are brighter yellow and have some grey on their wings. I would suspect the golden one (second from the left in the above picture) is actually a buff, but the other 2 seem totally different. I’ve been looking at pictures of common chicken breeds online and can’t find any similar looking chicks to those.


This is the golden one (top) and one of the yellow ones. You can see the grey on the wings.


Another shot of one of the yellow with grey wings.

The 4th one (the black one) is also a mystery. The person working at the store described it as “mumblemumble grey”, which was pretty unhelpful and I’m suspecting he didn’t actually know the breed. My first guess would be a black Australorp. Any thoughts? This one also has pink feet and black legs if that helps. The yellow ones all have pink legs and feet.


Thanks for any help!
Much to young to determine sex just now. Post pictures around 8-10 weeks of age.
Yeah we’re not worried about the sex. Just curious about the breed since we’ve never seen chicks with that kind of coloring before.
Sometimes birds even need to molt once to know exactly what breed they are. Knowing they are hatchery birds helps. Then we know that they are pure breeds and chances are remote that they are crossbreds.

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