HELP! Is a rooster compatable with baby hens?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 1, 2007
Enid, Ok
I saw an ad here in town that says free medium sized, 1 1/2 year old rooster, multi colored. They just don't want him I guess. But I got my baby chicks a couple weeks ago and they are probably half grown now, would a medium rooster attack them or bother them do you think? I want a rooster but not if hes going to stress my hens. I have 10 baby hens right now and when they start laying, i'd love to hatch a couple of eggs so a rooster will be necessary but I just don't know if a full grown rooster would be compatable with these chicks. Tell me what you think!!! Thanks guys!!!
OK! thanks. So if I decided to go ahead and get the roo, do you think he would be fine in a cage of his own? Would be get lonely for a couple months by himself? It won't be a small cage, If I decide to do this, i'll build him a big one so he will have some room, so let me know what you all think! thanks.
He will do just fine alone for a couple of months by himself. I have had roos in their cages alone for quite some time and they do fine. Be sure not to put him with your young hens too soon. Those hens need to grow out well and be at least 6-7 months old, or older, just prior to beginning laying, before being placed with an adult rooster. Three months is way too soon! Treat your birds the best and they will do just fine for you. Good luck with your birds, Johnny
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I agree with Soonerdog. Your baby pullets won't be old enough to start laying till 5 to 7 months old, depending on what breed, etc. And a roo (being a roo) will be trying to breed them, and could very well injure them--break their back, etc, even--if they are not full-sized. At 2 weeks, your chicks are no where near half-grown, and the ..well, annoyance, if not injury, of a rooster mating them when there is no reason to till they are laying age, will be stressful, to say the least. You could keep this rooster in a cage for 6 months, but he won't enjoy it much. And at 2 weeks, unless they are sex-link, you probably can't even tell--one of your "little hens" may actually turn out to be a rooster! Sexing at hatch isn't always completely accurate. I myself would rather have something more their age. And, the person getting rid of this rooster that is 1 1/2 years old may be getting rid of him just because they have too many, or it may be because he is a problem roo of some sort. Whatever you decide, good luck. Chickens are great fun.
one of your "little hens" may actually turn out to be a rooster
This is a good point! I have ordered all pullets before and gotten a few roosters within the group.

it may be because he is a problem roo of some sort

This is another good point. Often times people get rid of their problems without a word of warning. So be careful. He could be aggressive. :mad: It never hurts to think things through for a while before rushing into a headache. Good luck.
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I agree with everybody above. At a year and a half this rooster is a adult breeding bird. He might be agressive and they couldn't handle him. A rooster is benefitial in many ways. They make good protection and look outs for predators if you free range. At the moment my friend is having a awful time with her rooster. He is really becoming overprotective. He knows most everyone that comes down to the barn, but he still attacks. There might be a good chance there is a cockerel in your bunch of chicks. Hatcheries do sneak in cockerels on ya lol. That is how we got Jack! By the time you realize this, you have become already attach to them. The crowing at first can get on your nerves. If you decide on this bird, wait till your pullets get older. i would place the rooster in a cage inside the coop at first. By the time your pullets reach breeding age they will already established a pecking order. Don't be surprized if there is fighting going on. Be sure your coop is big enough for the loser is get away.
Thanks u all! I will just wait it out and see if one is a rooster. I got 10 of them so who knows. And if not I can get one later on. So thanks so much!!!!
Hi from Goanna Gully, Brisbane, Australia. Do you have to seperate them because of the size difference or do you have to wait until they are starting to lay? I have a 6-7 month old Australorps rooster (Gentleman George) who I have kept seperate from my chicks for the last two months. The ladies are now 17 weeks old and just beginning to get thier wattles and combs. I let them free range together for an hour or two each afternoon, but I have to watch them as George is no gentleman AND there is a carpet python hanging about. Do you think the ladies are ready to handle George at this stage?
Just my opinion, as I am no expert, but I would think they don't need George around till they begin laying. Till then, he will just be tormenting them for no reason.

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