Help - Is this a wry neck or constipation?

Is she pooping? What's that like?
Vent clear of poop?

I'd go ahead and get some vitamins into her. This is Quail right? 200IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex.

If you feel she's constipated...I know chicks like to back up and poop, but she's having to back a long way round to get the job done if that's what's going on...I'd give her a few small chunks of hardened coconut oil a couple of times day to see if that gets things moving.

Neither the vitamins or coconut oil should hurt a thing even if these aren't her problems.
Is she pooping? What's that like?
Vent clear of poop?

I'd go ahead and get some vitamins into her. This is Quail right? 200IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex.

If you feel she's constipated...I know chicks like to back up and poop, but she's having to back a long way round to get the job done if that's what's going on...I'd give her a few small chunks of hardened coconut oil a couple of times day to see if that gets things moving.

Neither the vitamins or coconut oil should hurt a thing even if these aren't her problems.
Actually she or he is now pooping fine. Clean vent and backside. Eating ground crumble.

I think it's just a wry neck at this point or a deformity.

How do you dose the vitamin e and 1/4 b complex tablet?

My thought was to try and dissolve them in a quart of warm water and give it a drop a day?

I am super worried about overdosing it, since it's so small.

Besides that I was also looking at nutri-drench but dosing is again the issue. 1cc per 3 lbs of bird, these weight like 1/4 an oz or 6 to 7 g if that.
How do you dose the vitamin e and 1/4 b complex tablet?

My thought was to try and dissolve them in a quart of warm water and give it a drop a day?
Diluting them that much, you might as well not give anything.

You can dissolve the 200IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet of B-Complex in the tiniest amount of water possible and syringe that solution into her throughout the course of a day.

200IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex.
Do you have Nutri-Drench one hand?
I put one full syringe worth of the Nutri-Drench in this amount of water:

I will refill it on day 2. Not actually fill it but make a new batch.
Quail chicks don't drink that much.
I have also given 3 to 5 drops straight to the just holding the syringe with a drop of undiluted ND like this up to a chick.

This is what the veterinarian told me:

I saw the videos and read your description. I don't think this is what's commonly termed wry neck or a central nervous system disorder. It looks like a chick that either injured its neck at hatching or has a spinal congenital defect.

The only treatment I've had success with is to put a chick in traction. I've tried a variety of neck braces and collars with no success. It's really hard to do this with precocious species because they can't eat or drink on their own in traction. You can try doing it for a few hours a day, letting her out for feeding between sessions.

I'll send you photos that demonstrate the general idea. The container you use has to be just tall enough that the bird's feet can be on the bottom while it's neck is extended as straight as possible.

Second email ..... In giving it more thought, you could probably set the chick up in traction for the night and let it out for the day. That would resolve the issue of not being able to eat and drink but would give a good 9 hours or more of traction per day.


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