Help me become a better artist? Pet portraits from a beginner!

Great pictures/drawings!

can you draw the following (anybody can draw):

my cat Comet...He will be 16 on March 25, 2012
This was my baby bandit. He was born on 10.05.2000 (a day after mine) and died on 9-12-2009. I still miss him a lot...
My current, pest..I mean pet. lol. Sissy..she's a chihuahua. I luv her!
My Mum ways that I ought to draw all the funny things our animals do - like finding my hens outside their run and a friends' cat sound asleep in their roost! The cat didn't do any harm, just fancied a warm bed to snooze in.

There's only one slight fly in the ointment with Mum's bright idea - I am hopeless at drawing. If I could draw like you then her idea would be brilliant. Your pictures are marvellous and you should be very proud of your talent. I guess I will just have to pick up a pencil and start practising, but doubt I will ever get anywhere near your lovely work.
nurse_turtle's button quial and sl polish i canged the polishes postion because the photo with her streching was to hard for me.

sorry it is sideways not sure how to flip them on here

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