Help me sex my juvenile Pekin bantam


7 Years
Sep 18, 2015
Somerset England
Calling Pekin experts, can you help me sex my juvenile millefleur Pekin? (Not sure of the age).

It has quite a large comb and I thought initially deffo a boy, but the feathers are mostly soft and round, and look feminine to me? The sort of shape/pattern I’m used to seeing on girls...

I just can’t make up my mind on this one!


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Hmm, I’d say pullet, judging by the shape of her feathers. It’s hard to know for sure without age, but by looking at how her feathers are coming in, and how she doesn’t seem to have any baby fluff/down visible, she seems to be old enough to tell that her comb would be kinda small for a rooster.
She is a cute little thing!
Thanks for your reply - I felt these were girl feathers as well. A lady on Facebook told me it was a boy (based on comb alone) and the rooster feathers would come later but I’ve never seen that happen myself

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