Help Me!!! There Is Something Wrong With Me Chicken!!! :'(


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
Camano Island
Last week our chickens got loose and we notcied that something was wrong with our chickens head. Well, we just figured it was the stress of catching them to put them back in their coop.
We figured it would just go away, but it hasn't and its really starting to worry us....
See for yourself.... My grandma said chicken lice???

Yes, I believe so. I would remove him from the flock immediatley because chickens love blood. They will peck him to death if given the chance. Look around on BYC on how to treat the injury as I am new to chickens so I can't advise to what to treat it with. I am not sure if you need to apply anantibiotic ointment to the wound or just rinse it with a saline or ? Poor little guy. Good luck!!
Is he a Polish? If so, are the others? I wonder if they are maybe curious of the feathers on his head (thus pecking him)? I have heard that when a chicken looks different than the others, they will pick on them. Just a thought.
Yes he is a polish and there is one other polish, but none of her feathers on her head are like that, but he was picked on when he was a chick but they stopped. I've heard chickens can be kinda racist. He is also a black polish and the other polish is white...I'm really worried
: ( Poor little guy. Yes, chickens can be ruthless!! They can also be cannibals! Let him heal and reintroduce him to the flock and see how it goes. If he still gets picked on alot you may have to just find the little guy a new home unless or if you have the room, build your polish chickens a separate chicken coop and run, then you can get more!! ; )
I wouldn't put her in with him until he is healed. She will be tempted to peck any blood she sees. He will be lonely for sure. I feel sad for him. Is there anyway you can keep him in a separate cage but where they all can see each other? Just a thought.

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