Help my bantams tongue is black


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2015
Help my white pekin bantam hen has a black tongue and she keep sticking it out and she's a bit fluffed up and it looks like she's limping. We brought her at point of lay from a show breeder so she's from a quality line of pekin bantams she costed us £30 to buy.

We've been keeping her with:
millfleur pekin bantam cock
lavender pekin bantam hen
millfleur hen
(on nest)
Wheaten hen (on nest should have chicks anytime now)
Cream legbar hen (one of her eyes are completely fine and the others completely blind)
Bovan Gold line hen (recently was a bit fluffed up toke her inside for a bit but now she's fine .didn't have black tongue as fare as I know)

Also been in contact with:
Silkie cockerels
Gold line hens
White stars
Wild pheasants
Golden pheasants
Foreign Finches
Diamond doves
Chinese quails
Japanese quails
Garden fantails
Dutch bantams
Partridge pekin bantam cockerel
Wild animals
Rats (there's poison out but far away from the chickens and my black tongued white hen has only escaped once this week but she was not in the same fenced off area as the poison)
Neighbours cats
Nice Humans
Bad humans (someone put our partridge cockerel underneath a flat rabbit hutch that nearly squashed him to death and took some fertile hatching eggs away

Basically she's in a free range pen with no netting over the top so she's came in contact with a lot of living things

so does anyone know whats wrong with her

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