Help!!! My Chicken Isn't Bauking Correctly!!!!!

<3<3 I <3 Chickens <3<3

10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
My sweet little buff orpington isn't bauking correctly!!! She sounds between a bauk and a cazoo!!!
It's NOT funny!! She needs help RIGHT NOW!!!
PLEASE!! THis is NOT normal!!! So far I have given her some water but one of my chickens pecks her (she pecks any chicken that I am holding) and she keeps running back to my barn!!! PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO POST ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
Is she eating and drinking and pooping on her own? She could be just fine. Make sure there is plenty of grit all around. Fresh clean water. Maybe add a little ACV. If she doesn't act stressed maybe there is nothing wrong.
I haven't seen her poop, but she is eating and drinking, I bring her to the water, she drinks a little, then runs back to my barn, do you think it could be that she has to lay an egg? Because she is laying one right now!!







I hope she feels better!!
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Apple cider vinegar. It's been recommend to use organic. Don't over do it.

chickens have different sounds for different things. She just may be announcing she laying an egg. Mine do it all the time, you'd think there was big trouble. Another screams her head off if the others don't come to bed when she wants. They don't all go to bed at the same time.
Could be she got a piece of feed or straw stuck in her windpipe. Had one do that recently. She was wheezing/honking suddenly after straining to lay an egg. Someone who is very knowledgable listened to her on the phone and said she could have blown an air sac or she could have something stuck in her windpipe. The next day, she'd worked it out and was fine. Maybe you could use a syringe without a needle and give her some vegetable oil by mouth to help whatever it is go down.

Not sure that is the actual cause, but in absence of other symptoms (gooey eyes, snotty nose), that could be the case.

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