help my poor babies foot


9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Kansas City Mo
so i have some 3 week old chicks and today when i was holding one i notice that one of her claws was all black and under that was this big ball when i put her under better light i notice that a strain of m hair how some how warped around her claw and cut off blood flow and found a way to get the hair off her but now it is bleeding and i don't think the claw can be saved what can i do to help her?? i feel so bad i wish i would have notice before now i feel so bad she has been walking fine and i guess that why i didn't see it before!! i have pictures but it was hard to take on my own and the light in my house is bad at taking pictures i feel so bad !!!

It was difficult to make out too much on the picture, but if the bleeding stops, and she keeps walking, I think everything will be OK. I have a little hen that has a sort of bulb shaped toe, no claw, and she is doing just wonderfully.
well it looks like the bleeding has slowed down and almost stop and she is still walking around fin and no one picking on her she the one in charge thanks so much for your help

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