Help! New to BYC - Hen or Roo & breed identification


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2015
Good evening!
I'm new to the world of BYC and (not so) patiently waiting for my first egg. I have a mixed flock of 7 chickens estimated at 20 weeks, and 4 closer to 14 weeks of age. None of them are laying, and I'm suspicious that I may have 1-2 roosters. Can you use your backyard expertise to help me with identification?

Photo #1: First, is the above a roo or a hen? It seems to hang out alone and has some iridescent green feathers in the tail. I'm also curious if anybody can help identify the breed?

Photo #2: I'm also wondering whether the black/white chicken in the middle is a roo or a hen? The swooped tail feathers make me suspicious its a roo. How about the breed? I was told the white/brown hen is an Americauna/Bandi mix. Finally, how about breed of the hen on the bottom?? I'm hoping she will lay colored eggs!

THANK YOU for any help you can offer.
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If possible, post pictures that more clearly show us the tails, necks and heads for gender.

The white (light brahma? does it have some feathers on it's legs?) looks to be a pullet. Hard to say on the brown. (1st pic)

THe two brown or tans in the 2nd pic look like pullets. The black is difficult but those tail feathers..?? We'd need to see the comb to see whether it is a Dominique or Barred Rock, or something else. Dark barred chickens like this tend to be female, the males are lighter, but those tail feathers... hmmm.
I just ran outside to get more photos... they free range and ran up toward me into the landscaping... I'll number them so that it is clear what we're talking about. :)

Photo #3 - Hopefully this is a better view of the head/neck and tail feathers:

Photo #4 and #5 are of the same chicken - the best I could do to capture the head/neck and tail feathers

Thanks again!
I just ran outside to get more photos... they free range and ran up toward me into the landscaping... I'll number them so that it is clear what we're talking about. :)

Photo #3 - Hopefully this is a better view of the head/neck and tail feathers:

Photo #4 and #5 are of the same chicken - the best I could do to capture the head/neck and tail feathers


Thanks again!
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Rooster, probably Wyandotte mix, or hatchery quality Gold Laced Wyandotte rooster (saddles are showing)

Another rooster....again I think mixed breed...not a Barred Rock as it appears in photo to have a pea comb (rows of peas) instead of a single comb or rose comb (like the Wyandotte above has a rose comb). All I can say is pea combed barred bird.

Top golden/white is a pullet, mixed breed, face too dark to be a Gold SexLink; middle is your barred rooster, bottom is a pullet, and if that is a pea comb, is likely an Easter Egger....really need to see full body shot with leg color to be able to say breed.

Cant see white bird well enough, but if there is leg feather is probably a Light Brahma...and it looks in the photo (that is sideways) to be a pullet.

And for the remaining members of the flock.... :)
Photo #6: PULLET - those above requested a better look to see about the breed (same as foreground of photo 2). Speculation that this is an Easter Egger?

Photo #7: How about below (foreground)? Pullet or cockerel? (I think pullet) Breed maybe a Silver Laced Wyandotte?

Photo #8 - Hopefully the front 3 are all pullets (look essentially the same, feathered feet difficult to see here) suggested above to be Light Brahmas

Photo #9 - Thinking far left is a pullet (she's big!!) Breed? Finally, I'm not sure about the gender of the guy/gal on the far right? Breed maybe Isa Brown? He/she is very brave and vocal.
And for the remaining members of the flock.... :)
Photo #6: PULLET - those above requested a better look to see about the breed (same as foreground of photo 2). Speculation that this is an Easter Egger?
Pullet, mixed breed, not typical of an EE, not sure what mix...

Photo #7: How about below (foreground)? Pullet or cockerel? (I think pullet) Breed maybe a Silver Laced Wyandotte?
If that is a rose comb (really blurry in photo), SLW rooster as lacing is pretty blocky

Photo #8 - Hopefully the front 3 are all pullets (look essentially the same, feathered feet difficult to see here) suggested above to be Light Brahmas
Yes, I think 3 pullets...Light Sussex most likely, possibly Delaware as yellow? legs, but neck pattern is more Light Sussex

Photo #9 - Thinking far left is a pullet (she's big!!) Breed? Finally, I'm not sure about the gender of the guy/gal on the far right? Breed maybe Isa Brown? He/she is very brave and vocal.
Pullet left, Buff Rock if that is yellow legs, Buff Orp would have white legs, and I think GSL/RSL/Isa Brown pullet on right
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