**HELP!!! Pekin Duck With A Broken Leg!**


13 Years
Jun 15, 2009
See here to read the whole story: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=2544446#p2544446

we rescued a pekin duck from the park and she has what seems to be a broken leg
... Any ideas of how to treat/ fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated
I'll post some pics soon if that would help?
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When we found one like that at the park, the others were picking on it, and wouldn't let it eat. I took it to my vet who works with a wildlife specialist, and they took it. All I know is that they try to turn them back out in the same area they were captured from. Once healed that is.
You can stabilize the leg with popsicle sticks (wrap them with cloth) and then gently wrapping the leg with Vetwrap. Depending on where the break is, this may be difficult. Higher up on the leg poses problems and may need proper vet care. A lower leg break can sometimes be done with vetwrap (feedstores or local vet should have this).
Make sure the duck stays quiet. Keep it in a small dog crate or something so it can't move around much.
Make sure it eats and drinks. Have water avail. closeby. Offer it treats like peas, corn, yogurt along with gamebird feed.
Hopefully it will eat and drink for you.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks for all of the bumps and help
I appreciate it.. sorry it took so long to post, I didn't realize I had so many responses

The reason she got hurt is because she was let go at the park by her previous owners and because she is a domestic duck and can't fly away from danger... I would release it back if she was a mallard but then she would probably just get injured again or even killed... Is the duck you rescued a mallard? I would understand letting them g back to the wild if they were but she is supposed to be a pet
Thanks so much for the help
My mom called our vet that has fowl himself and is an expert and he said the best thing to do is to keep her immobile in a dog crate so I guess I can try do do that... Will it just heal on it's own? Thanks again!
Hopefully it will heal on it's own. Can you post a pic? Like I said, depending on where the break is and also the type of break will make the difference. Definately, keeping it as still as possible will help. Ducks don't know not to move an injured leg so immobilizing the leg might be necessary.

I have been doing alot of research on the web lately about releasing domestic ducks on ponds and I never realized until now just how awful it is for the duck. People think they are doing them a favor (or don't care one way or the other). So many domestic ducks die or are injured because they are released into the wild.

Keep us posted on this babies leg.

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