Help please - chicken and earrings


Premium Feather Member
Feb 15, 2023
Eastern North Carolina
My 6 week old barred rock was perching on my shoulder as usual and decided to peck at my earring. This was the first time I've worn earrings around them (I went somewhere today forgot to take them off). I suppose she got curious. She managed to get it of course and I think I made her release it. Unfortunately I can't find it and am worried that she'd swallowed it. It was a 4 mm pearl stud, definitely larger than the grit they have. I don't care about the earring, just worried that I hurt her. Any thoughts? What should I watch for? My vet doesn't do chickens otherwise I'd take her in for an x-ray. :(
I had one to swallow a wood screw one time. I can't remember, but an 1 inch or 1 1/4 inch #8. She never had any problem with it.

If you do a search you will find a few threads on the subject. It happens quite a bit.

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