HELP Please: Cracked upper beak


May 8, 2019
Palmetto, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
Attached is a photo. Will this grow out on its own? Is there treatment I should do? No pain, she eats and drinks fine. End if beak is separated with a small gap and slight fracture goes up to the dark mark on top. I could super glue the upper fracture without it running into her mouth, but should I? I am afraid to trim the end where it is gapped because I don't want to split it while trimming, or do you think I should take that chance? Any experience with this is greatly appreciated.
I totally agree on the super glue. Use the gel. I urge you to go the extra step and cut a tea bag open and use that thin paper to lay over the crack when you apply the super glue. This will add extra strength and prevent the beak splitting further.

With any beak injury, there will definitely be pain. Your chicken is skilled at hiding the pain. There are an enormous amount of nerve endings in the beak since a chicken uses their beak for so many purposes. Being a very active appendage, strengthening it will be very wise.

Chewable 81 grain aspirin can help with the pain. One tablet twice a day.
I totally agree on the super glue. Use the gel. I urge you to go the extra step and cut a tea bag open and use that thin paper to lay over the crack when you apply the super glue. This will add extra strength and prevent the beak splitting further.

With any beak injury, there will definitely be pain. Your chicken is skilled at hiding the pain. There are an enormous amount of nerve endings in the beak since a chicken uses their beak for so many purposes. Being a very active appendage, strengthening it will be very wise.

Chewable 81 grain aspirin can help with the pain. One tablet twice a day.
I totally agree on the super glue. Use the gel. I urge you to go the extra step and cut a tea bag open and use that thin paper to lay over the crack when you apply the super glue. This will add extra strength and prevent the beak splitting further.

With any beak injury, there will definitely be pain. Your chicken is skilled at hiding the pain. There are an enormous amount of nerve endings in the beak since a chicken uses their beak for so many purposes. Being a very active appendage, strengthening it will be very wise.

Chewable 81 grain aspirin can help with the pain. One tablet twice a day.
Thank you so much! One more question, how do you administrator an aspirin to a chicken? Will they just eat it out of my hand with a few seeds?
You have received good advice already about using superglue and the paper from a tea bag to put on the beak. Here is a link to read as well:

I would feed the chicken watery chicken feed made fresh often for awhile to make eating easier.

You can place the low dose aspirin in the chicken’s beak to swallow.

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