Help please Hen on eggs


Jul 15, 2018
I have 4 Guineas and 3 Chickens. Ms. Liz one of my chickens has for the last three days been sitting on eggs. The Guniea hens laid their eggs in the chickens coop. Today I removed the chicken eggs from under Ms. Liz as they are sterile - she was not at all happy but continued sitting on the nest. I don't know if she is eating food or drinking her water. Tonight when Cuddles and AmyPea were put in the coop with Ms. Liz They ate and drank and then went in the nesting area to be with Ms. liz. What is the best thing for Ms. Liz? Let her hatch the Guinea eggs and then take the chicks and raise them? PLEASE HELP
I have 4 Guineas and 3 Chickens. Ms. Liz one of my chickens has for the last three days been sitting on eggs. The Guniea hens laid their eggs in the chickens coop. Today I removed the chicken eggs from under Ms. Liz as they are sterile - she was not at all happy but continued sitting on the nest. I don't know if she is eating food or drinking her water. Tonight when Cuddles and AmyPea were put in the coop with Ms. Liz They ate and drank and then went in the nesting area to be with Ms. liz. What is the best thing for Ms. Liz? Let her hatch the Guinea eggs and then take the chicks and raise them? PLEASE HELP
She hatched all six. The oldest is 9 days old. I am letting her rIse thm. Anyone have any information I would appreciate

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