help please I think my Ruby might be a Rudy..


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Flimington Missouri
My Ruby has grown faster than all my other hens and I ordered my BO from a breeder who said they were all pullets but I have a feeling she is a he this is a pic of her at 6 weeks and some of her at 4 months... also I am including some pics of another BO same age to compare with.. not sure if she is more mature than the others or if she is a he... here is another girl same age as ruby tell me what you think please.
I thought I had all females so I bought a ROO but now that all my girls are growing up I'm worried that Ruby might be a male. she is in both top pics one is at 6 weeks and the second one is at 4 months , help please
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Well here I am again worried about Ruby she hasnt layed any eggs yet and she is so large now that she makes all my other hens look like babies . Today I spent some time looking her over and she is growing golden fethers down her neck and her tail is sticking up very tall again more golden fethers sticking out from there. Her legs are longer than ever and her feet are very large and meaty , none of the hens pick at her she has never had to fight for a place in the pecking order if she is really a she then she is my leader hen as my mother puts it the big momma hen. do any of you have any ideas to help me figure this out???
Post an updated pic of a good sideview.

You can look at the feathers around the neck shoulder area...if they are long, thin and pointy, roo. Same for the saddle feathers. The feathers on the back above the tail. If they are long and pointy, roo.
Has this chicken tried having 'his way' with the others? If not, I doubt it's a roo cause he is more than old enough to do the 'rooster dance'.
it hasnt done a rooster dance that I know of but this is my first batch of chickens and I have much to learn but the feathers are long on the neck and pointy also there are feathers down the back that are coming in that are more golden and thiner then the rest of its feathers also pointy

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