Help please! Rooster swallowed fishing line with hook attached!!

My aunt had is similar situation with a kitten, he got a hook caught in his throat and she rushed him to the vet and they were able to remove it safely. Best of luck with it getting pooped out!
Hi , I just found your post about your chicken. I'm curious to know how it all turned out. I just found my favorite chicken with the same thing! Swivel hanging out, pretty much sure the hook was in her stomach. I pulled gently and it wasn't coming out so my husband and I cut the line as close to her beak as possible and are hoping for the best. :(. I'm so sad right now.
Help! Last night my favorite hen swallowed fishing line and we don't know if there was a hook on the end or not. I was about 3 hours away driving home when my husband called. He cut the wad with the lead sinkers off her but left about 5 inches of line not realizing she would just swallow it. By the time I got home I couldn't see any sign of the line or hook. I checked her today and she is not really acting herself. Please, any advice about how I may help her?! She is the type of chicken that hops in my lap and comes when she is called and I am so upset.

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