HELP please....

I sent you a pm with some info I gathered from here etc when I first started with my chicks, all that info helped me raise some very healthy chicks and happy chickens.

Good luck

Ema :)
Aloha &

You have such a selection to choose from, I say try them all and see which one is better for your liking. I never had a feed store have such a variety before. (Well in my location that is) They will all get along at an early age so do not worry. Since there is 5 different types get a 2 of each.
From reading your post, I'm gathering that your knowledge of chickens is rather, well, petite. I strongly recommend buying a book (or checking one out at your public library) on chickens before you get any. It's critical that you have some background knowledge so you can prevent problems before they occur. There are many good books out there, I found that Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens was pretty good and Keep Chickens! as well, the latter being more focused on small, backyard flocks. Many of these books also have plans to build coops and runs.

and have fun!

I started out small a few months back also. Use the internet to read.... read... and read some more. You could also purchase a book to keep as a quick guide as questions arise.

Your chicken "coop" plans are good for 8 chickens. The run size is perfect for that many plus a few more. The "run" is the fenced in area that they can use to get outside of the coop. There is a thread on this site dedicated to chicken coop designes. I suggest you go there and read and research, as well as online.

Now, what I did was an online search for a chicken diagram to figure out that the different parts of a chicken was. The "crop" is like the stomach. The "vent" is where the eggs come out, (the hind end). You really need to read up and get well versed in this stuff. If you're like me, I couldn't read enough and was learning new stuff every day. I loved it.

Now as for the supplies you will need for your baby chick's..... get them now!! In my area, the feed stores only carry a few of each item and are frequently sold out of some of the stuff. Same goes for the "Pullets" (older chickens, but not adult hens) stuff. Such as larger feeders and waterers. You will need to get everything well in advance and get set up and ready for them as they grow and advance to each stage. You can get your heat light supplies at Lowes or Home Depot. Everything else you will need to get at your feed store. I used a small rabbit cage for my "brooder" for the baby chicks. I closed in 3 sides of it to keep drafts down. Alot of people use rubbermade tubs or plastic dog kennels. Use what you have on hand or can get cheaply. They are only in there for 4-8 weeks, depending on the size of your brooder.

Ohhh, I almost forgot.... invest in the metal/aluminum garbage cans to store your feed in. It will help to keep any mice or other vermin from stealing your feed. They can chew thru the rubber cans. Shop around for those.

As for the selection of chickens, you have some great choices. I'd pick 3-4 of them and get 2 of each to start with. Read up on each breed before you make your choices. Now this is very important..... you DO NOT need a rooster for you chickens to lay eggs. You only need a rooster if you are planing to breed your chickens and hatch eggs.
You can also order your chicks online and have them shipped to you. I got mine (16 chicks) when they were 2 days old, and all of them survived and thrived. The better you are prepared for them and the more you know... the better the sucess rate.

It is really alot of fun as well as some work. You will have fun and enjoy it. I know I do. You can PM me if you have any more quetions.

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