HELP! Rabbit Won’t Eat or Drink!

You can give your bun some of baby food sweet potatoes or pumpkin, the kind with no added sugars. That's something you can use to get something in his belly.

I saw you mentioned critical care--that's another good thing, but not helpful if you can't get it, so I understand. But I recommend having it on hand from now on--it's really great stuff. Has nutrients and is hay-based, and is good for mixing in meds or trying to get something in their stomach.
Just syringe fed some puree pumpkin and I’m going to give him some water too. It doesn’t seem like he’s improved much since this morning. I ordered Critical Care and it should be here within an hour. I don’t know what else to do until I am able to take him to the vet tomorrow.

EDIT: This morning after the critical care, gas drops, and aspirin last night bunny seems to be doing a little better. He still hasn’t moved that much, although he did hop over to me when I was bringing some treats for him to try, which he did! I got him to eat a couple little grapes and blueberries and a small piece of lettuce. It’s not much, but it’s improvement! By the way, thank you all so much, all of your advice helped a lot.
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Just saw this thread and hoping bunny is ok. Also, wanted to clarify that GI stasis is not caused by lack of food in the gut. Quite the contrary. Intestinal movement slows down and this can cause food to get stuck along the way, causing a blockage. A complete blockage (no poos at all) is dire. Force feeding a rabbit in full GI stasis (full blockage) can make things much worse.
Simethicone is great for getting a rabbit eating again that is showing early signs of GI issues. Hay is particularly good since the roughage can help get that gut moving again. Avoid feeding sugary stuff since that can mess with the bacterial flora in the gut.

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