HELP! Roo 8 mushroom stem from yard an hour ago and now having trouble

Some mushrooms are hallucinogenic. He may have been taking a psychadellic "trip." If so, he should be ok. If it was one of the poisonous mushrooms, he may be in trouble. I don't know if there is any antidote for poisonous mushrooms.
Just when I thought I had heard it all:/ There are a lot of fungi that shouldn't be eaten because you will get a stomach ache and a lot that are good to eat, but can easily be confused with others that shouldn't or can't PERIOD. The fatal ones are really bad, but fortunately are outnumbered by the ones you can eat and others that you shouldn't, but can eat. I only feel safe with one kind that grows locally, because the other ones can easily be confused with the bad guys. Hope your roo is just trippin and will be fine. A few years ago, I am told that some addicts were in the pasture collecting mushrooms. Nuts.
I'm so glad he's doing better. Just as a sidenote there is a variety of mushrooms out this time of year called Puffball mushrooms. They look like little golf balls when they first start to emerge but can grow as big as your head. That may be why your husband didn't notice them. They really don't look like mushrooms or toadstools. Keep an eye on the area and see if any more are emerging. These are perfectly edible and really delicious sliced and fried in butter.

If you really saw him eat a stem it's doubtful it was one of these since they have no stem. Besides they aren't poisonous, at least to people.

I hope he continues to improve.
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About a week and a half ago, we had a rooster that was fine when he left the pen, but 45 minutes later he couldn't walk right....seemed to be drunk. We saw mushrooms out in the front yard where they were hanging out. We kept him in isolation for about 4-5 days until he could walk better on his own (without falling over). We did this because when all the chickens were put back in their pen, the other roosters tried to attack him. We just made sure to give plenty of food and water.

When he could stand better, we let him out of the pen with the others. They all acted like everything was fine; no more attacks. He is about 98%. Once in a while he seems just a tad wobbly. Don't know for sure what it was, but my guess is it was a mushroom. Good luck!
Sounds like magic mushrooms to me, hopefully he will be ok... I used to know some some people who loved the "mushrooms" your roo was probley on quite the trip. Make sure he can't hurt any of the girls, when your comeing down, you could get alot horney! They say orange juice for humans, not too sure for chicks. Maybe something with alot of vitiamin C
Most poisonous mushrooms are not lethal, just mildly poisonous, and I hope your chookie recovers soon. i would recommend looking in an uncut portion of your yard or maybe a neighbors yard to see if you can find any other white mushrooms. If you find mushrooms, take a picture and see if you can find a local mushroom expert to identify the type of mushroom.

I belong to my local mushroom club, and we have a google group in which people can post pictures and ask for identification help. I just searched for missouri mushrooms and found You could probably email the chief mycologist (listed on the contact us link) and ask him what mushrooms are in season in your area. Mycologists tend the be very friend (nerdy!) people who are happy to help others especially other outdoorsy types. A local university or naturalist center may also be helpful.

Good Luck!
I think I had the same thing happen earlier in the year, one of the welsummers was acting drunk. As time went on she couldn't stand, and by the end of the day could barely hold her head up. I isolated her and all but gave up on her. The next morning I thought she was dead until I picked her up, she flapped a little. I went to work and my wife called at lunch and told me she passed, I said are you sure because I thought the same this morning. When she went out to the coop she was amazed the pullet was still alive. She called again about two hrs later and said she was fine acting like nothing ever was wrong. I expect the first egg from her to be psychedelic or at the very least rainbow colored.
I just went through this with a White Leghorn rooster, in fact he still isn't quite back to normal. Didn't notice that he ate any mushrooms, but there are certainly some around, but he was the only one to behave this way. Just like he was drunk, couldn't stand up, couldn't hold his head up, still was crowing, but his head twisted to one side when he did and he fell over. I kept him by himself over night, but the next day he was much better and was in on the roost at bedtime. I really thought he was a goner. Isn't this strange?

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