Help! Roos and Hens are mating?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 12, 2008
Fort Mill SC
All my eggs wehn cracked have little spots in yoke.
This is my first time having roos. I have found myself feeling lost at how to keep my flock. Should I seperate them or not? How do I know if he is fertilizing the eggs? I sell my eggs to off set the cost of feed and now I don't know if I am selling fertile eggs or not. I need serious help! I am no longer working so I have time to do the changes if any are needed. CAN ANYONE HELP ME?
First, take a look at this thread. It has photos of the bull's eye so you can see what to look for as far as them being fertile. All eggs should have a spot. The bull's eye tells you they are fertile. If you can't see any spot, try turning the yolk over gently. I use a spoon.

Second, what is your concern about the eggs being fertile? People have been eating fertile eggs since before they started keeping chickens.

Some people don't want to eat fertile eggs for their own reasons. That's their business and none of mine. But there is nothing unhealthy about eating fertile eggs. Whether they are fertile or not the nutrition is the same and they cook up the same. If you store them at incubation temperatures fertile eggs will start to develop, but that takes a while. If you collect them every day after they have finished laying for the day, you can use the eggs even if they have been under a broody.
Some of my eggs that I candle are solid, dark looking. Now I collect my eggs daily, but recently they have dropped off laying since I changed to laying mash. I had been feeding them crumbles. What happens if I get fertized eggs and no brooder? I would like to have the hen raise her chicks. Is this not realistic?
You can't tell if an egg is fertile or not by candling. That bull's eye will not show up with candling. The darker brown the egg, the harder it is to see anything inside when candling even if there is something to see.

Your days are getting shorter. Changing feed may affect them laying a bit, but the most likely cause of reduced production is that they molt this time of year. When they molt, they quit laying eggs and use the nutrients they were using for egg production to make feathers.

When I get fertilized eggs I eat them or give them to my customers. If I get a broody hen she gets a dozen or so to try to hatch and two or three times a year I put a bunch in my incubator. But just because an egg is fertilized does not mean you have to hatch it. It's still great to eat.

You cannot force a hen to go broody. It's a matter of hormones. A hen can go broody any time of the year, but it is usually Spring of Summer when most go broody. Many hens will never go broody. Some breeds are more likely to go broody than others, but whether they go broody or not is totally out of your control. You can get certain breeds to greatly increase your chances of getting a broody, but there are no guarantees even with these. And you cannot control the timing with them.

I think a broody is great. Any one of mine that goes broody regardless of time of year gets fertile eggs to hatch and raise. But if you want to control hatching eggs, you need to get an incubator and raise them in a brooder yourself.

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