HELP! Rooster basically scalped my hen. ( Production Red hen) ( Amerecauna EE Roo)

I have an ee roo in bully camp...he cornered my rhode island roo in the coop on a cold day and just nailed his comb. Said comb got frost bit..I wasn't home when it happened and hubby locked them up. Didn't see what he had done till the next day.
I would apply saline or Vetericyn to the wound twice a day, and keep plain Neosporin ointment on it until healing occurs. The skull may not regrow feathers, but hopefully her wound will become covered with healed tissue and feathers. She will need to be separated from others inside a dog crate with her own food and water. Keeping her within sight of the others would keep her part of the flock, making putting her back in easier. I would separate the EE rooster for awhile, maybe permanently. I had the same thing happen to a meek polish hen who did not like to be mated. It was a juvenile RIR cockerel, and he went to the stew pot.
I have 8 chickens. 2 roosters ( 1 Barred Rock the other EE ) 3 production red hens, 1 barred rock hen, and one Mille fluer D’uccle bantam mini.

They were all raised togther. I noticed the EE roo was picking on the mini bantam so we removed her (house chicken) leaving the big birds the coop. The EE Roo is the only one I’ve seen grab the ladies or peck the mini. He wasn’t picking on any other hen when the mini was present.

The EE Roo attack one of my production red hens over night and her head is basically scalped I mean bone is showing.. she’s not doing anything besides sitting with her eyes shut. Idk what to do this is the first time I’ve had chickens and I’ve never seen anything like this. I assume it was the EE Roo seeing as he’s been the only aggressor. I jus don’t understand why he would do this over night she was fine yesterday. The other hens were pecking bc of the blood showing but they’ve never pecked each other before.

She is inside in a kennel seperated from the flock.
Any update on your hen? Hoping she is ok. I had an EE roo who was very aggressive and attacking my 2 young children. I had to re home him luckily a neighbor took him in, instead of becoming dinner.
Any update on your hen? Hoping she is ok. I had an EE roo who was very aggressive and attacking my 2 young children. I had to re home him luckily a neighbor took him in, instead of becoming dinner.
Sadly she ended up passing , we waited a week to see if anyone else was attacked by a predator or him. Nothing else happened. So we’re pretty sure it was him, he was rehomed and everyone else has been fine since. Thank you for checking up !
Sadly she ended up passing , we waited a week to see if anyone else was attacked by a predator or him. Nothing else happened. So we’re pretty sure it was him, he was rehomed and everyone else has been fine since. Thank you for checking up !
I’m sorry to hear that she didn’t make it. I was very hopeful that she had pulled through. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you are doing well.

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