Help! Rooster lethargic


Mar 28, 2020
It’s been in the freezing temps the last few days and I checked on my coop this evening around 4 and my rooster was laying down on his side with his head down. I brought him inside and used warm towels to heat him up. His energy level has not improved. I dipped his beak in water that had added electrolytes and he drank some water. I checked on him several more times to continue trying to get him to drink. He has not improved. I just now syringed 20ml of water into him. (4am, 12 hours after finding him)

he can’t stand but tries to squirm. His wattles and comb were cold, but now warm. And there is some discoloration in his comb.
Hello and welcome to BYC @Tleech14 :)

  • Did you feel the crop of your rooster, is it hard or rather squishy like fluid filled?
  • How do his droppings look?
  • What exactly do you feed your chickens?
  • Do they have granite grit and oyster shells available at all times?
  • Did you look for injuries, broken leg or gash from predators?
  • Did you check for lice and poultry mites on your rooster? In the coop crevices and under the roost also?
  • You could try to feed him some scrambles eggs with some oatmeal/rolled oats mixed in, most chicken are unable to resist this treat and he might just ingest a little to get his metabolism back on track.
  • How old is he and how many hens does he care for?

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