
6 Years
Dec 6, 2013
Australia, NSW
hi everyone,
im in great need of help! ive recently gotten a bunny and lately ive noticed its eyes getting puffy, today I went out to feed and check up on it and its eyes are fully covered over, or stuck together I should say, with guncky stuff that looks like sleep and it also is having trouble breath out its nose because its clogged!
I haven't been feeding it anything different and I haven't changed its cage or anything. does anyone have a clue whats wrong with it?? thanks soo much for any help
Hi. It sounds like your rabbit has pasteurella also know as snuffles. It is highly contagious to other rabbits. The treatment is antibiotics, so you will need to get your rabbit to the vet as soon as possible. I'm so sorry it's sick.
You might try for a day or two if it isn't struggling too badly, but I haven't heard of anyone trying it before so I have no idea if it would help or not. I haven't used the natural approach with my rabbits yet and haven't dealt with pasteurella personally, so I'm not sure what would be natural ways of helping that. If you do try that, just keep a close eye on your rabbit because it often a deadly condition. If you try it and it helps, let me know! That would be amazing!!
You might try for a day or two if it isn't struggling too badly, but I haven't heard of anyone trying it before so I have no idea if it would help or not. I haven't used the natural approach with my rabbits yet and haven't dealt with pasteurella personally, so I'm not sure what would be natural ways of helping that. If you do try that, just keep a close eye on your rabbit because it often a deadly condition. If you try it and it helps, let me know! That would be amazing!!

so I've just checked out my rabbit and he's seems no better than yesterday so I've cleaned out his cage and given him fresh, clean water that's got probiotics in it and I've given him fresh food that's been sprayed with probiotics. I've checked him out properly and I tried to open his eyes but they have this white muck all in them, his noes its all snottied (i'm guessing its snot) up. I also noticed that the part where he poops out of (I donno what its called) is all puffed up and it looks like he has poo stuck up in there that he can poo out. I look if he has any wounds or anything but found none.
so my plan is that i'll try the probiotics for a few days and if this doesn't work i'll have to go to the vets or something.
Since you are in Australia, Myxomatosis is a possibility; particularly since swelling around the eyes was the first symptom noted:

(sorry, not a very helpful link, but I'm in a tearing hurry this morning).
thanks for the help. im really hoping its not myxomatosis because it says that there is no treatment for this! thanks so much for the info :)
Hope he gets better today! Keep a close eye on his eating and drinking. When rabbits are feeling bad they will often stop eating and drinking and dehydrate very quickly. If that does happen, you can try using a syringe to feed a little sweet potato baby food into his mouth every couple of hours during the day. It will get nutrients and liquid into him, and they like the taste. :)
Ive just been out with him and he doesn't seem any better, I used a syringe to give water to him and he seemed to like that, but hes not looking to good.

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