Help - Stopped getting email subscription notifications - unsubscribing???

It's really weird because the e-mails are technically coming through on the same account when you set up an alias in hotmail.

VERY relieved to hear that you have figured it out, Jean!!!!
Sorry if you felt ignored Jean. We get a lot of requests and can't be everywhere all the time. Also, in some cases there may not be any other ideas and suggestions that we can offer, so leaving it up to the community and more experimentation, like you did, is sometimes better than anything a member of the staff could do or suggest.

Again, you weren't being ignored on purpose and sorry you felt like you were. Please be patient as we all try to work towards making things better.
There was an update, but it shouldn't have impacted subscriptions.

Please walk through the troubleshooting steps outlined the last time you had this problem. Also, please refrain from posting that you're having a problem in multiple threads. It just causes more confusion and work for our team with duplicated posts of the same problem in multiple places.
there should be an unsubscribe choice at the bottom of the thread with a star by it
On your profile page (My Profile), under your avatar is a list of options. One is "Edit subscriptions". Try clicking there and you will be able to remove threads from your subscription list.
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