Help!! Turkey can’t use legs!


13 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Lake Crystal, MN
I have some Bourbon red turkeys about 20 weeks old. I came home last night and one of them could not walk. On inspection the bird does not seem to have anything structurally wrong with its legs. It tries to walk but cannot seem to reach out with its legs and it can’t extend its toes. It tries to walk but it’s feet are balled up in fists. Anybody know what could be happening? I put her in a crate last night to keep her still. I’m thinking I may have to put her down if she is not better tonight.
Can you take a video and post it on Youtube and link it here of how her legs are working/not working?
Are you familiar with Marek's disease?
There is no way for me to know if this is what your turkey has but it is the first thing that came to mind.

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