
May 23, 2019
I need help figuring out what is wrong with my silkie roo. Here is what we have observed and done so far:
- Roughly 3 weeks ago He stopped standing up was very weak in the legs and stopped eating. He came and spent a couple days with his “nana” and he got medicated water and quiet time without his other chicken friend. His friend doesn’t have any symptoms by the way.
- Seemed to improve after his weekend with Nana. The only change was he got maybe a little more sunshine and grass time and he got medicated water. So he went home, walking eating and drinking. Nothing apparently wrong.
- He seemed fine for about a week but when I was examining him she realize he felt really really skinny and I noticed his event was really nasty and so I gave him a bath. I discovered Hard lump just inside his vent that seemed to be dried up food/poo. Still eating drinking and pooping. After some research I decided he might have cocci and I figured it all added up. So I treated Corrid antibiotics.
- So then I brought him back to his nana to examine his vent. She noticed a kind of nasty odor that she never had around her chickens but I thought it was familiar. To her it smelled a little bit like dead animal. We cleaned up the whole event area and She removed the mass which appears to be a kind of warty tissue.
- After removing the mass She lubricated with olive oil and inserted her pinky finger and discovered More wordy tissue inside the rectum towards the spine. Not enough to block the rectum but there was definitely warty tissue all the way as far as her pinky could go.
we did a video footage of our little surgery if you’re really interested we will post. Oh and his poop is very watery but otherwise healthy in color. Any ideas?!?!
- The diet is incredibly varied as he is doted on by his momma. Fresh fruits and vegetables and meal worms and medicated chick feed.
Welcome to BYC. Sorry about your rooster. When you describe warty-like tissue in his vent, is it dried poop or a cyst? How is he doing today? Is he eating and drinking? Do you have any pictures of his vent? There can be papillomas inside the vent or cloaca, and those can cause infection, inflammation, and cancer. Papillomatosisnis caused by a virus. Clostridium infection of the vent can cause a bad odor and retained fecal matter. I don’t know if this is what you are seeing, but a vet can do testing (gram stain) on the droppings to look for clostridium infection, and offer antibiotics.
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Welcome to BYC. Sorry about your rooster. When you describe warty-like tissue in his vent, is it dried poop or a cyst? How is he doing today? Is he eating and drinking? Do you have any pictures of his vent? There can be papillomas inside the vent or cloaca, and those can cause infection, inflammation, and cancer. Papillomatosisnis caused by a virus. Clostridium infection of the vent can cause a bad odor and retained fecal matter. I don’t know if this is what you are seeing, but a vet can do testing (gram stain) on the droppings to look for clostridium infection, and offer antibiotics.
Sorry for not responding sooner! My rooster is still alive! I think I have identified the problem as fluke worm after reading an article here about different parasites/worms. It can present as cysts/tumors which he had, and I have mostly removed. I am going to treat with antibiotics/de-wormer now!
Welcome to BYC! sorry i didn't see this sooner, is the rooster still alive? This sounds like a internal parasite. @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock
Sorry for not responding sooner! My rooster is still alive! I think I have identified the problem as fluke worm after reading an article here about different parasites/worms. It can present as cysts/tumors which he had, and I have mostly removed. I am going to treat with antibiotics/de-wormer now!

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