Help wanted - Quail missing leg!!



Sudden Reptile Fanatic
5 Years
Jul 8, 2018
So, I came home to see one of my quail all flustered up in the dust bathing area... not too unusual. Well, I picked him up to find that he was missing one of his legs!! The other 5 have a minimum of bloody feet and toes. 1 other cannot really walk, but hops. The cat obviously did it as he has blood on him. There is 1/4" hardware cloth as the flooring, but then again quail legs are really slim. What do I do from here?? I have brought him inside, cleaned the wound, and applied blu-kote (I’m aware it’s not an anti-biotic). He is eating and drinking. Do I just wait and see from here?
(Excuse the dirty hands)
These pictures are BEFORE blu kote was applied.
Same quail in pictures:
Oh wow, if that was my quail I'd cull it. Sorry about the mishap. :hugs
That is one of the dangers of raising any birds on wire, their toes and legs can slip down between the wire and cats, coons will chew them off. It has happened to me many times. I finally installed a second floor to my above ground pens to keep it from happening again.
If it was taken off at the hock, it could still get around but like the way it is it won't be able to even hobble very well. Infection will set in and that's a more horrible death than a humane culling.
Sorry about your quail. Since there is a big chance of bone infection, if you cannot see a vet, I would get some betadine and clean it well. Antibiotics are needed, and ones that might be good are clindamycin, cephalexin, or SMZ-TMP. You can get some online for pigeons or fish, but it would take several days to get them.
I'm sorry you're dealing with such a terrible attack! You need to put their cage much higher or protect it better to avoid it happening again.

IF you can prevent infection, she will likely be able to adapt to one leg. I have seen other birds do so, before (I say she because I don't see any red-orange on the breast feathers; I may be mistaken). If you have any way to give an injection, an antibiotic onboard may be able to protect her from infection as the wound heals. I wouldnt suggest any pain medication, as it could cause bleeding to start again, and that's the last thing you want to happen. These Cots are so small, they can easily bleed out before you know it! You might be able to call a vet, explain the situation, and ask for an antibiotic, but they may tell you to cull her, instead. That is always an option for you. If you don't feel comfortable giving her antibiotics by injection (you can purchase injectables at places like Tractor Supply), you will need a script to get one immediately, as waiting for shipping for any other form would likely be a death sentence.

Best of luck to you! :fl No matter what you choose to do. :hugs
Good Luck. We also had quail, but no cat at that time, so never had this issue. On BYC I've read about people that have had predators pull quail legs through the wire, so one solution is to have a second layer of wire a few inches below the wire that the quail are on, so that nothing can grab their toes and pull the legs through. Similar for cage sides, put the finer 1/4" HWC up the side as high as the height of the quail, so nothing can grab them if they are too close to the side. In my experience, the variety of quail cages we have had all have pretty large side wire, much larger openings than the wire they walk on.

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