HELP! What is wrong? Droopy wing, beak down, Pictures..

I am so glad I found this thread as I, too, was considering putting my girl down today. I have just started treatment, but think I accidentally got some epsom flush down her airway. It's been a few hours and she still seems fine, but right afterwards I could her some gurgling in her chest. I hope I didn't make things much worse! BTW, her lameness is just in her legs, she has an appetite and took the molasses flush readily and her poop is normal. If anyone has any thoughts on the airway or symptoms in general, I would love to hear it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Keep doing the molasses I did it every few hours, and my biggest tip KEEP HER AWAY FROM FLIES at all cost, if for some reason she gets maggots you are gonna have a lot of trouble keeping them away, like I did! Make sure she don't have any cuts on her, mine did if she does put her in a place where not ONE fly can get one her. Also I didn't do the Epsom salt, but make sure when she is getting better you give her something with electrolite in it.
So glad for the search engine on this site.
I have a Phoenix (Game?) pullet who was acting very strangely today. She was walking around with her head and wings drooping down, although she was moving around at a normal pace. She was even the first one to go in the coop for the evening (she's usually the last), and was standing in there looking miserable. I thought the problem was anything from peritonitis to worms when I read this thread. The description, and especially the pictures included, led me to believe she ate or drank something nasty. The coop is fine, but my chooks free range, so she had ample opportunity to indulge in something she shouldn't have.

I gave her the epsom salt solution, and plan to give her another dose before I go to bed tonight. Hopefully this will help her out.


I gave her her second dose of epsom solution. I put her back in the dog crate, and she pooped out a black, vile-looking, nasty-smelling substance. So it is very likely to befood-poisoning.
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KathyInMo -- Did your BO hen continue to do well or did she get sick later? I have been doing a lot of research for my own lame pullet and found that " transient paralysis syndrome" is a form of Marek's and only last 24-48 hours. The chicken then "experiences a rapid and total recovery" but many times ends up dying several months later.

Pictures 8 & 9 on the "clinical signs" of this website show pics of a pullet with this condition and pic#9 looks just like your pullet did (you can read the description on those pages too. I'm wondering if your hen truly did have botulism, or if it may have been marek's after all? I'm tying to decide which of the two my pullet has also.
That's good to hear. I'm glad your hen stayed healthy and did not relapse. I did the same treament for mine that you did for yours, but she's still the same - must not be the same problem. Mine has been unable to walk for 6 days now - I thought it was botulism (feathers were even coming out), but now I'm thinking it might be Marek's after all. I would think that if it had been botulism she would have either gotten better after the flushes or taken a turn for the worse.
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Oops - I forgot to include the link to those photos:

This one looked like your hen:

"Clinical DescriptionIn Marek's disease, transient paralysis can occur and is caused by temporary vasculitis and edema in the brain. The condition typically persists for 1-2 days, after which time the chickens will experience a rapid and total recovery. Later, infected chickens may develop MD lymphomas with clinical signs reflecting tissue involvement"

Clinical Description
In transient paralysis syndrome, a form of Marek’s disease, chickens may exhibit ataxia and flaccid paralysis of the neck and limbs.
Oops - I forgot to include the link to those photos:

This one looked like your hen:

"Clinical DescriptionIn Marek's disease, transient paralysis can occur and is caused by temporary vasculitis and edema in the brain. The condition typically persists for 1-2 days, after which time the chickens will experience a rapid and total recovery. Later, infected chickens may develop MD lymphomas with clinical signs reflecting tissue involvement"

Clinical Description
In transient paralysis syndrome, a form of Marek’s disease, chickens may exhibit ataxia and flaccid paralysis of the neck and limbs.

I was back and watched this thread wanting to stick my 2 cents in it appears that luckly you had botulism. or even perhaps a nurotoxin from the beetles, But as alot of other Posters are discovering this thread I want to shine a Light on one thing not mentioned. for other posters. Mareks Disease can also paralize and Kill it shares several symptoms with botulism. So I do suggest anyone reading this thread for advice. Please Please again Please. treat each and every case indivudually and make sure to always seperate the bird in Question. Wash and disinfec, Change your cloths after each and every treatment.
It is very important if you were to be unfortunate and did get mareks that you use very strict Bio security measures in dealing with it. Botulism is a very rare disease in chickens. We see it all over the world. it mainly Grows in stagnant Ponds that the heat has dried up and drawn all the oxygen out of. it is a very dangerous situation to have to face. However there is a cure for it. Same goes with toxins and poisons. But if you mis diagnose mareks for any one of these. there is no cure for that and you can infect your flock.
BYC is probably one of the most wonderful places on the web for good information. Believe me BYC has saved my birds life more then once. I am not talking to responders. I am talking to new chicken owners. Make sure to describe everything in detail for your responders to be able to selectivly be able to work together for cures ands solutions. MM Poultry Farms...

Edited to say Kathy wonderfuljob in acting fast. BYC awesome job of saving yet another life.
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