Help, wing injury 5 1/2 week old duckling.


7 Years
Aug 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
I came home to find my 5 1/2 week old duckling with one wing hanging limp, straight down at her side. We had a bad storm while I was at work and she was with the older, female ducks, (has been since last week) but I am not sure what happened. It do not see or feel any broken bones. If I had to guess I would say dislocated shoulder. I called around for a vet but the soonest she can be seen is in the morning. I tried to vet wrap it into place but she got it off in 5 minutes. I have her inside and isolated. Any suggestions?
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I think just keep her quiet until you can get the vet to examine it. If you have any Meloxicam that would help with pain.
Thanks! I sling wrapped it. It isn’t in perfect but not sagging. I do not have Meloxicam.
I had another singleton duckling hatch this morning and I had students for the first day of school today, so it has been a day!
Maybe the bad weather caused her to try and fly and she hit the hardware cloth?

Are more going to hatch?
Maybe. I wouldn’t be shocked if she freaked during the storm and hit something. We had tornado warnings and high winds.
No, the other four eggs died eating the way. Only this is one made it to lockdown. These Hookbills are harder than the other ducks for me. At least I now know what to do with a lone duckling now. I will have it at school for a couple weeks so I have lots of highschool students willing to snuggle a duckling. I will start visiting the big ducks with him/her this weekend. It is what I did with the other two. I think it helps them realize they are ducks and this is our flock.
I'm so sorry about the other eggs, but that is one precious duckling ♥️
Thanks! The breeder thinks it is an Aleutian or light dusky which will be a beautiful duck. Now, if she will just accept her mirror and stuffed duckies so I can get some sleep tonight!

Ps I have the brooder seperated again with the new duckling on one side and Noodles, with her hurt wing, on the other.
Update: Noodles is almost fully recovered although he is still on antibiotics. His cut looks good and he is holding his wing normally most of the time. So, tomorrow, his R and R in the house will end. I will not let him free range in the garden yet. But, I will lock him in the coop with a small pool so the flock can see him and he them.
His last bathtub swim tonight.

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