Help with heat


Mar 14, 2020
West texas
Guys, it's so hot in Texas right now. So far we are at 117. My poor chickens are struggling. They have deep shade, a pool filled with fresh ice water, 2 fans (one is the makeshift ac cooler). I'm going out there every hour having to put cool water under their wings. They're panting heavily and wings are open away from the body. I'm seriously about to fill my house up with 40 chickens 😭
Feeling your pain, here in the Hill Country. If you have a sandy or dirt area in the shade (or create one), keep it wet it down so chooks can lay down in it. I also have a very shallow, large diameter tray (like sits under a potted plant) that gets replenished daily with cool water. Some girls stand in it, others just drink from it.
My girls free range during the day but sleep/lay in their coop. Re-freezable ice packs alongside the nest boxes, plus on the poop boards (just behind the roosts) in the coop each night. Makes me feel better, not sure if it helps. Plus an outdoor-rated fan with covered motor, running nearly 24 hrs a day/night pushing air through their coop.

Temps yesterday hit 100F inside the barn, 102F on the back porch--first time ever. Got a reprieve this morning with....69F to start the day but already heating up. Hang in there.
Yes, This heat wave is totally insane!
I have been helping my girls with this heat by spreading some water with a hose in their run which has sand. They lay on the dampen sand and seem to have some relief. I recently read in a post that terracotta trays filled with water and placed in a shaded area helps. I ran to Home Depot and got some. The terracotta trays keep cool for longer. The plastic waterers get warm even when they are in the shade.
I have 8 chicks that are 8 weeks old, they practically spend the afternoon in what I call the "cooling station" which is a shaded area with the terracotta trays and since I change the water everyday, the area around them is damp too. The chicks walk on the trays cooling their feet, they are still small enough to perch on the edge.
I am also giving electrolytes and they have fans in their coops with a lot of openings for the hot air to move.
There has to be an end to this misery!!!!
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