Help with kits -- Please!


8 Years
Apr 1, 2015
Mama delivered a healthy 5 kits the day after New Year's but also got impregnated again I think the day after delivery. I am worried about these kits because if she is pregnant and will deliver by the time these kits are only 4 weeks old. What will happen to them? Will they take to water and baby bunny food/pellets at 4 weeks? If and when she delivers a new litter, do I remove these kits out of the cage? It says to remove the nesting box at 14 days so I was thinking of putting the kits outside her cage in their own cage with food and water. It is cold here so will they be warm enough, I use a heat lamp. I considered bringing the 4 week old kits into my house but I don't think that's a good idea.

Can anyone suggest what I should do if my doe has another litter when her last litter is only 4 weeks old? All help would be so grateful!
Her first litter should be eating pellets and drinking by 4 weeks. She may actually abort the litter that is not born yet so that she can care for the current litter. Like how a cow will abort a calf is she can not take care of herself.
We raise 'yard' rabbits and the kits are running around on day 4 by themselves and by 8 weeks they're usually off by themselves.
I hope someone with more rabbit knowledge will answer.
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The babies should be fine being removed before she has her second litter. Most kits I raise are out of the nest box eating plenty of solid food by the time they are 3-4 weeks old. They will probably still be nursing a little at that age, but shouldn't need the milk. Just make sure your feeder and waterer are low enough (and full enough) that the kits can reach them. Offering some hay to the kits after you wean them isn't a bad idea, either, as it will help their digestive health.
Thank you, I hope so too. I really hope she does abort a new litter, I'd hate to see that happen so hopefully these guys will be eating on their own by then. Thanks for your help.

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