Help with swollen turkey face.


5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hey all. I'm new to turkeys and have a problem I'm not sure what to do with. I have a 7 week old Royal palm male? Turkey with a swollen side of his face under eye.
the pictures are from this morning before and after cleaning him up. Here is all the info I have
-Been swollen for about 8 to 10 days
-Wasn't bad at first and actually went down and then back up
-Free range 7 week old male
-vet rx every day
-rinsing with saline every day
-just put terramycin on it this morning
-nothing stuck in roof of mouth that I can see
-if I push on it clear liquid will leach from his eye
-eating, drinking, energy levels normal. Has a bit of an attitude but not sure if it relates to his face or is just his personality.
-same size as the other boy his age/breed.

I'm at a loss. As I said I'm new to turkeys and not sure if theres an obvious thing I'm missing so please feel free to point it out if there is. Thank you in advance!
I haven't dealt with this exact thing before, but do you have colloidal silver? I usually use it on any facial swelling/injuries on my chickens or turkeys. It works wonders.

You just pour a little on a Q-tip or a cotton swab, and dab it on his face. You have to apply multiple times per day for it to work.
It looks like a sinus infection from MG or mycoplasma gallisepticum. It can be more severe in turkeys than in chickens. Air sacculitis can be a secondary infection that is very serious. Make sure that he is drinking plenty of the medicated water, since sick birds usually don't drink well. Feed stores sell Tylan 50 or 200 injectable in the cattle section, and is also used for MG. How much does he weigh now? Tylan 50 dosage is 0.2 ml per pound of weight given orally or by injection twice daily for 5 days to treat MG. Tylan 200 4 times as strong as 50, so you would only give 1/4 as much.
Thanks everyone. I did start him on tylon yesterday and it actually looked better today. Not sure if it was they eye ointment or the tylon. Still swollen but it was definitely down an it wasn't as gummy around eye. What kind of medicated water? I've been putting a few drops of vet rx in water as well as adding ACV today.
I have 2 turkeys that have this problem it's been for about 5 days in it seems to be getting worse they sneeze all the time is it contagious to all my other turkeys they are outside free range turkeys I also have chickens that are in a co-op not very far away from them. Um these Turkey is are for Thanksgiving dinner can we still eat Them. I have remove them from the other 5 turkeys and put them and their own area.
Yes it looks like the pictures the lady posted I looked at the pet store for tylon 50 but no one here carrys it. They said I have to go to a vet to get it. Lower 48 is different. So I'm going to call my vet tomorrow but they will want me to bring him in I'm sure. Just got your links so I'm going to read up thank you
Is there anywhere that you can check at a livestock feed store for Tylan? It is a cattle medicine used for chickens. Some stores have Tylan 50 while others have Tylan 200 which is 4 times as strong. 50 is cheaper, but you can use the 200 and reduce the dosage. If you have to see a vet, they may give you something better, such as Baytril or others.

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