HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
Brand new momma here and my Buff Opringtons eggs just hatched. What do I do now? She's about 4 ' off the ground in the nest box. Do they eat on their own or does the momma feed them? They just hatched a hr ago and I have no clue what to do. Do I move the nest to the ground? Do they start eating and drinking right away? I need help NOW!!! Thank you so much, I'm going to up load pictures for you, they are adorable.
It would be easier on the mom to care for them if they were close to the food and water. That way she can show them what to do. You may even want to move the mom and chicks to a little brooder area.
Congrats! First off make sure you get some chick starter feed-purina makes a good one. Yes, they will need food and water within the first 24 to 48 hours. Try and get them closer to ground level and momma hen will show them how to scratch and stuff-it's too cute when they do this and they are so tiny.
Once all the eggs have hatched, they should be moved to a place where mama can take care of them without interference from other chickens for about 3 weeks. She will teach them all they need to know. Starter feed is good for mama and chickes. Water should be set up a bit so it stays clean, this gets harder as the chicks get older. Good Luck.
Definitely move them to ground level. If you have a separate area for them, or can use a little chicken wire to section off part of the coop, that would be great. Other wise, just watch to make sure that the mom is defending the chicks and keeping the other hens away.


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