

7 Years
Jun 14, 2012
Help- This chick hatched May 9th and we received them from my son's school. I am wondering if anyone has any idea of what kind of chicken this is and what you think about it's gender??

can I ask you can you tell if it is rooster or not. I am wondering for my other chicks??
Well It's big comb and wattles for one thing and if it has pointed neck feathers and/or saddle feathers (they're at the base of the tail).
If you are talking about the chickens in the background of the picture they all look like females.

And yes the one in the front is a rooster.
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He's probably not a Brahma. Brahmas have fuzzy feet. It looks to be a Delaware. I have one outside that looks about the same age. Looks like you have a rooster. Delaware hens even have large combs, but his looks to be really red- which at this age is how you tell if he/she is a rooster. They are wonderful chickens though!
He's a rooster. He's too young for pointy hackle or saddle feathers but that comb leave no room for doubt!

As to breed-----huh. could be a mix, hard to tell at this point.
Yup Delaware and a mix, lol, That was our introduction to chicks as well. My son brought a bunch home from his AG barn from school They were fun! A learning experience for sure he brought us 23 at once and we just moved into our farmhouse and land so we were very unprepared. What a mess that was for a few days lol and we are still learning

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