Helpful ideas to help keep chickens cool in humid environment


Apr 1, 2017
Hello! Recently the temperatures here where I am have been rising exponentially, and my chickens are definitely not happy about it. The average temperature where I am is about 95 degrees and humidity is about 80-95%.. I feed my chickens cold fruit and yogurt, when it's especially hot, and I ice their water daily. However, they still seem to be very miserable. Any ideas would be helpful! Thank you!!
Here are some heat-busting ideas for chickens:
a shallow tub for them to wade in (some will, some won't)
freeze water in milk jugs and put in out for them to lean on or lay next to
put ice cube in their water to cool it and toss some into the pen for them
make sure they have lots of shade

How to make an air conditioner:
cut three holes in a bucket, and put short PVC pipes in the holes. Place a gallon jug of water frozen overnight inside. Take the base off of a fan and place it face down over the top of the bucket. Set it in your chicken pen under shade and near water. I plan to make one, but i haven't yet.

I have not tried the air conditioner (yet) but i have tried the ideas above and they work great. Haven't lost a single chicken to heat. Hope this helps!
The best I've heard ( but haven't tried) is to use clay tile, like the terra cotta flower pots, but tiles not pots. Soak them overnight and set them on the ground in the morning. The birds can stand/lay on them and the evaporation cools them. Anything I do will not last the entire time I'm at work. They are in a pen 1/2 acre (5 birds) with shade but I let them out into the entire yard when it's like today--106 and so thick you could cut the air with a knife. They usually go to the shady spot under the camper, which is under a shed roof, so they get a breeze and nice shady spot. I leave water all over for them, but they like the ac condensation best.....I usually leave a dog bowl there to catch it since that's where they go. Dust baths and shade is the answer. Mine will pant (when they run over for a cracker) but I rarely see wings held out for cooling.
Here are some heat-busting ideas for chickens:
a shallow tub for them to wade in (some will, some won't)
freeze water in milk jugs and put in out for them to lean on or lay next to
put ice cube in their water to cool it and toss some into the pen for them
make sure they have lots of shade

How to make an air conditioner:
cut three holes in a bucket, and put short PVC pipes in the holes. Place a gallon jug of water frozen overnight inside. Take the base off of a fan and place it face down over the top of the bucket. Set it in your chicken pen under shade and near water. I plan to make one, but i haven't yet.

I have not tried the air conditioner (yet) but i have tried the ideas above and they work great. Haven't lost a single chicken to heat. Hope this helps!
The best I've heard ( but haven't tried) is to use clay tile, like the terra cotta flower pots, but tiles not pots. Soak them overnight and set them on the ground in the morning. The birds can stand/lay on them and the evaporation cools them. Anything I do will not last the entire time I'm at work. They are in a pen 1/2 acre (5 birds) with shade but I let them out into the entire yard when it's like today--106 and so thick you could cut the air with a knife. They usually go to the shady spot under the camper, which is under a shed roof, so they get a breeze and nice shady spot. I leave water all over for them, but they like the ac condensation best.....I usually leave a dog bowl there to catch it since that's where they go. Dust baths and shade is the answer. Mine will pant (when they run over for a cracker) but I rarely see wings held out for cooling.

These are such great ideas! Thank you!! I will definitely be trying the AC and frozen jugs!!

I will also definitely be trying the terra cotta! That is a great idea, and at least it'll last them the morning hours :)

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