Helpful Silkie Hair-gells?

sounds like a couple great ideas! joebryant do you have any pictures? i'd love to see what your birds look like after the trim. I'd worry about the blood feathers too (which is why i haven't given my husband the green light already)

keep the ideas coming!
so adorable! now they won't have problems with getting their prize snatched! hubby is on it!
ok folks I did it-I dont have the camera home-DH has it. Butt..I had the 4 of the fluffiest buggers and this morning I was bound and determined to give eye cuts! So I grabbed the tamest and went to town. Was the cutest thing-as soon as I did one side-they quieted down and looked at me. I said " hello again hunny-it's mamma!" I flipped them over and did the other side-all 4 were great and now they actually run around instead of hobbling I love it-gave treats after I was done to make up for the temporary mean momma!
Ok - a little off topic but Joe Bryant - how do you keep them from eating your sedum??? I about lost mine this year thanks to garden raiding chickens. Had to fence it off.

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