Hen attacked chick! cleaned and put flour. will chick be alright?


In the Brooder
Oct 17, 2020

The chick didn’t bleed much and i cleaned it with banixx for chix and with the flour im sure it won’t anymore, it’s been eating and i just put it back to sleep under a warm blanket in a quarantine bucket, is there anything i need to know about caring for an injured chick?

édit: forgot to mention the chick didn’t even realize it was attacked until it tried to scratch itself and saw some blood
What was the flour for? You can put in with its momma or in a brooder. As long as it's acting normal, I wouldn't worry
a friend of mine mentioned it would help stop bleeding if i didn’t have cornstarch, first time a chicks been attacked so i didn’t know if i had to worry yet or not
In the long run, your chick will be happier with its hatch mates. Not. knowing if the mother hen did it and how, I say put it back with the others and watch for any trouble for a while.
Also watch and see if the other chicks peck at the wound. If so he will have to stay separated.
Separating him in the same general area is best of possible for integrating the chick back later.
Yes the flour was unhelpfull, but I love the caring motivation behind it!
Good Luck!

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