Hen beating the crap out of my Rooster what should I do?


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio
I integrated my teenage flock with my older hens that have not had a Rooster. I did it slow and left them in the coop fenced off from each other for a couple days. They have free ranged together but were in different coops. Now one of the hens that was on the top of the pecking order is picking on my Rooster. I call them Teenagers but the hens are laying now and the Rooster has been mating with them. Should I put that hen in time out or should I just let nature take it's course? I feel so sorry for the Rooster he won't hardly come out of the coop. And he runs from that hen. Anyone got any ideas?
I have never kept roosters before. I never wanted them, don't like the crowing. Well he was suppose to be a hen. He is beautiful and very calm. My last one was to aggressive and attacked me to many times so he became dog food. I really want to give this one a chance. Love his colors. And please not smart off answers like my husband said, get a bigger rooster!
Hm... Are there enough hiding places for him? (Perches, nesting boxes, anything like that etc). It may take a bit. When did you add him with the older hens? :)
I think this is interesting. It is usually the rooster pushing the hens around. Give it some time, he will soon be putting her in her place. Just keep an eye on him to make sure he isn't getting too beat up. This is just how chickens sort things out. :wee
Maybe it will teach him manners...LOL

Keep an eye on him for injuries. Put a little bowl of food and water nearby so he won't dehydrate. And let them be for now. He will come out.

I've got a roo the size of a soda can who pushes my gigantic turkens around and chases every chicken on the place. He needs a whacking but nobody is willing to take the beating except a couple of my old mother hens who have had about enough of his nonsense, and he spars with the other roos sometimes. The old mommas raised Dirtburner, another of my boys, and he's a lot more polite most of the time. Boss now leaves the old ladies alone, so if the others would send him packing a few times maybe he'd calm down. Oh, testosterone.
Sell the hen. I had a hen that killed 6 roosters and finally said enough! She started off picking on them and once she found out she could kill she couldn't and wouldn't stop! One rooster was a very aggressive game rooster....she didn't kill him but when I gave him back to my friend he didn't have any tail feathers! I just recently lost my Jersey Giant to her....she was doing great with him. She loved him and he her. Then one day I guess she got tired of him and threw him against the wall and pecked his head till he died! I was so upset and got rid of her there and then! I say don't make the mistake I did and keep letting it happen!
I integrated my teenage flock with my older hens that have not had a Rooster. I did it slow and left them in the coop fenced off from each other for a couple days. They have free ranged together but were in different coops. Now one of the hens that was on the top of the pecking order is picking on my Rooster. I call them Teenagers but the hens are laying now and the Rooster has been mating with them. Should I put that hen in time out or should I just let nature take it's course? I feel so sorry for the Rooster he won't hardly come out of the coop. And he runs from that hen. Anyone got any ideas?
I have never kept roosters before. I never wanted them, don't like the crowing. Well he was suppose to be a hen. He is beautiful and very calm. My last one was to aggressive and attacked me to many times so he became dog food. I really want to give this one a chance. Love his colors. And please not smart off answers like my husband said, get a bigger rooster!
I have the opposite problem,but in your case you need to be separated them for awhile longer then slowly try to bring them together again.

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