Hen Got Attacked From Person Trespassing

How many more times is he going to go into your yard before you do something? If you know his name, can't you let the cops know? You may not be a cruel person, but your injured chicken may disagree with you.
Tresspassing is a crime. Your rights are being violated.

I may sound harsh but I hate hearing about people getting away with breaking rules. Is there someone in your household that can help you?
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Sorry I'm simply not a cruel person at all.
We can see you aren't a cruel person, but you can't let people walk all over you hon. Next this creep will be walking right into your house!!! You really need to do something about it NOW!!! You have the neighbor as a witness to how the bird got hurt. Call the cops & file charges. Even if they don't press the charges they will warn him to stay away & that gives the premise (without even having to post signs) to have charges stick if he does it again.
Sorry but never never never ever use peroxide on chickens it will eat away at the skin the meat anything. I clean the wound and use neosporin or blue kote . I apply and don't put a bandage on it so the wound can get oxygen on it and heal better. .... I hope that the guy gets into trouble for going over the fence sounds like he has nonfood why else would he be going after your chickens. Some people I know here where I live if someone did that they would be facing the end of a double barrel gun. I wouldn't shoot them just get the message but you're right by calling the cops . I like the suggestion of putting barbed wire lol.
Has he come by again? Maybe he is mentally handicapped or high? It just sounds so strange that he comes back after you called the cops and he even told you to stop calling the cops...which is strange too... I would question his state of mind. he is defiantly brave and bored... keep your doors locked. he is a curious fellow and he might think you have some other neat animals near or in the house.
I would be calling the cops and reporting it..EVERY TIME!!

Have you looked to see if anything is missing from your yard?
Get a big mean dog to keep crap out of your yard...

Put up one of these signs:

If you lived closer I would 'loan' you a dog until the idiot got the idea...

I do NOT use or suggest peroxide for much of anything... Dakins Solution is better, cheaper (can be made at home), and does NOT damage tissue that is trying to heal like peroxide can and will... (Germies will NOT live if soaked in Dakins for a few...)
I do not recommend the dog... I am being sued right now because my dog bit someone who came onto our property unannounced and opened our screen door. ON MY property..OPENED MY DOOR. I did not get fined by animal control..they said I did nothing wrong. It was a workmans comp claim..they are coming after me. Nix on the dog.
I do not recommend the dog... I am being sued right now because my dog bit someone who came onto our property unannounced and opened our screen door. ON MY property..OPENED MY DOOR. I did not get fined by animal control..they said I did nothing wrong. It was a workmans comp claim..they are coming after me. Nix on the dog.
You should have filed trespassing on the idiot who walked into your house without permission.
Sorry but never never never ever use peroxide on chickens it will eat away at the skin the meat anything. I clean the wound and use neosporin or blue kote . I apply and don't put a bandage on it so the wound can get oxygen on it and heal better. .... I hope that the guy gets into trouble for going over the fence sounds like he has nonfood why else would he be going after your chickens. Some people I know here where I live if someone did that they would be facing the end of a double barrel gun. I wouldn't shoot them just get the message but you're right by calling the cops . I like the suggestion of putting barbed wire lol.

LOL "will eat away at the skin the meat anything"?!!!!!!! OMG. It's peroxide, it's a mild bleach. It's not hydrochloric acid! Thanks for spreading completely false information.
There is nothing wrong with using peroxide on a wound, but you would want to use it sparingly because there is wide spread belief that it kills the new skin cells that are needed to growing the scab.

Also wondering why so much time has been wasted on this guy. He has the nerve to repeatedly come in your yard and tell you its not "cool" that you called the cops? If you don't stand up for yourself, why should he stop.

I third the idea of barred wire. If it were me I'd also add a hot wire in there. If one doesn't get him, the other might.
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LOL "will eat away at the skin the meat anything"?!!!!!!! OMG. It's peroxide, it's a mild bleach. It's not hydrochloric acid! Thanks for spreading completely false information.
There is nothing wrong with using peroxide on a wound, but you would want to use it sparingly because there is wide spread belief that it kills the new skin cells that are needed to growing the scab.

Also wondering why so much time has been wasted on this guy. He has the nerve to repeatedly come in your yard and tell you its not "cool" that you called the cops? If you don't stand up for yourself, why should he stop.

I third the idea of barred wire. If it were me I'd also add a hot wire in there. If one doesn't get him, the other might.

Peroxide does damage tissue..look it up. It does more damage than good. Using it the first time to bubble out debris is sometimes done..but after that no. Vetricyn would be a great option.

You should have filed trespassing on the idiot who walked into your house without permission.
I have an appointment with a lawyer.

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